740-245-7005 / refdesk@rio.edu
Regular Circulating Material Borrowing Policies - OhioLINK/RioLINK
- 3 week loan period
- 1 week grace period
- May renew 6 times, however …
- You are only guaranteed one three week loan with any OhioLINK or Rio book, if the book has been requested, no renewals can be granted.
- May place a hold
- OhioLINK overdue fines: 50 cents per item per day. Maximum fine of $50 per item for OhioLINK items.
- RioLINK (local) overdue fines: 10 cents per item per day. Maximun $15 per item.
- For both OhioLINK and RioLINK (local) items: Fines accrue during grace period, although no charge if returned within one week of due date.
- Lost Material: Generally $125 total per item although charges may be higher for some items
Regular Circulating Material Borrowing Policies - SearchOhio
- 3 week loan period
- No grace period
- May renew 3 times, however …
- You are only guaranteed one three week loan with any SerarchOhio book, if the book has been requested, no renewals can be granted.
- No holds
- SearchOhio overdue fines: 50 cents per day. Maximum $25 per item.
- Lost Material: Generally $25 total per item.
Media Material Borrowing Policies - OhioLINK/RioLINK
- 1week loan period
- No grace period
- No renewals
- No holds
- OhioLINK overdue fines: 50 cents per media item per day. Maximum $50 per item for OhioLINK items.
- RioLINK (local) overdue fines: 50 cents per media item per day. Maximum $15 per item.
- Fines begin to accrue immediately after due date — no grace period
- Lost Material: Generally $125 total per item although charges may be higher for some items
Other Circulation Policies
Students may expect to have library privileges (including OhioLINK borrowing) temporarily suspended, and requests for diplomas, transcripts, and registration materials interrupted as a result of seriously delinquent library transactions. Such action may be taken for overdue materials, unpaid fines, unpaid interlibrary loan, and/or failure to pay for lost or mutilated materials. A complete listing of current “Halt” categories is available through the Records Office. The procedure for removing a library “Halt” is to contact the Library as soon as possible and resolve the problem transaction. For questions relating to Circulation, please contact DebThompson, Senior Access Services Associate, 740-245-7398, thompson@rio.edu.