Government Docs

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Davis Library  has been a member of United States Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP) since 1966.  As a selective depository, Davis Library receives approximately 16% of the items distributed to participating libraries.  Many of these selected depository items are accessible on-site at Davis Library and many more are accessible through FDsys: GPO’s Federal Digital System.  FDsys provides free online access to official publications from all three branches of the Federal Government. Through FDsys, you are able to:

  • Search for documents and publications
  • Browse for documents and publications
  • Access metadata about documents and publications
  • Download documents and publications in multiple renditions or file formats

Davis Library provides free, equal and unrestricted access to government information for all of our library users both from our campus community and the general public.

Davis Library’s FDLP Internet Use Policy

Davis Library also maintains a Government Documents LibGuide that provides additional help and resources for finding these essential research tools. If you need additional help finding or using our government resources, please Ask Us!

About the U.S. Federal Depository Library Program

Established by Congress and administered by the United States Government Printing Office (GPO), the Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP) is a network of almost 1,250 libraries located nationwide that are required by law (Title 44 USC) to provide free and unrestricted public access to federal government information.

The GPO produces a wide range of information products from all three branches of the Government (Executive, Legislative and Judicial), which are then made available to all federal depositories.

Selective depositories, like the Davis Library, generally choose only the materials that they feel are best suited for their library users and target service areas.

Regional libraries, such as the State Library of Ohio, preserve and provide access to all information products disseminated by the GPO through the FDLP.  These types of federal depositories are located in each state to help ensure that the American public has adequate access to our Government’s information.

Other federal depositories located in Southeastern Ohio and the Tri-state area include:

Ohio University—Athens, OH
Shawnee State University—Portsmouth, OH
Marshall University—Huntington, WV
Ashland Community and Technical College—Ashland, KY

You may also search the Federal Documents Depository website by a clickable map to locate a depository library near you.